Sackheim Gallery
I was born on the southside of Chicago, listening to the music of the streets, hearing the railroad cars roll and collide above the 95th Street viaducts. Later, I would listen to the Blues and R&B music music coming out of the radio and hear that same sound. I started going to Blues clubs to hear the music and to capture the magic of the muscians onstage . It was my way to show respect . And, it was a way to preserve the sights of the Blues clubs. I have come to know many of these great performers. And they have come to accept me , a non-musician , into their world. I owe them so much .This website is dedicated to all the musicians who have let me 'shoot' them.
"I can't sing . I can't dance. I don't play a musical instrument. But I can play this here camer. " --jacki sackheim